
Johnny Depp vs. Amber Turd

Let’s talk about this Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial. If you have no clue what I’m talking about then you must be living under a rock…or have a life which I clearly don’t have because for the last 2 weeks I have been glued to my TV from 10am-5pm Monday-Thursday. But here’s a super quick rundown. Johnny Depp is suing his psychotic ex-wife Amber Heard for $50 million for defamation of character after she wrote an article for the Washington Post about being abused by her ex. She is counter suing for $100 million because…well, she’s deranged. 

It’s actually a very sad, scary and disturbing (also a bit comical. Google “mega pint”) story. Amber Heard claims she was psychically abused by Depp because he was a coked out drunk with anger issues. But Depp swears, along with everyone else that has ever met him, that he has never and would never lay a hand on a woman. What he does swear by is that HE was the victim of abuse. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally by Heard. That’s right, Johnny Depp is claiming he is a victim of domestic abuse. And the world agrees with him.

But the big question everyone wants to know is will he win this trial? Now I’m no attorney or anything even remotely related to law but in my opinion, no Johnny isn’t going to win this. BUT, before you tell me to go screw, he knows he isn’t going to win…the trial that is. But he knew going into this he wasn’t going to win. It was never about winning the money (p.s. he’s suing her for $50 million, she’s only worth $8mil which was actually more than I expected).

Defamation cases are incredibly hard to win in the U.S…freedom of speech and what not. Depp is suing her specifically for the article she wrote for the Post where he is never actually named in the article, but obviously we all know who she’s talking about. So that makes it a little trickier. But why you ask, didn’t he sue the Post for publishing the article in the first place? Because suing a boring old newspaper wasn’t going to get his side of the story out. And that’s all this is about. All he wants is for the world to see his side, his truth and to clear his name.

If there is anything we’ve learned from this trial it’s that Depp doesn’t care about fame and fortune, he cares about his character. And up until a few years ago, before Amber Turd spewed her demonic ways on him, his character was pristine. He has also been known as one of the nicest, most caring, genuine people in Hollywood. But now these rumors have all but killed him. As he said in court this has caused him to lose “nothing short of everything.” He was dropped from Pirates and Disney. He hasn’t booked a movie since all this started. But he doesn’t care about that. He cares that he spent 40 years keeping himself from falling into the dark side of Hollywood and after 1 story gets published he was instantly dropped by everyone.

So even though he may not win the trial, he is definitely walking away the winner in the public eye. What are your thoughts?

And are you as crazy into this case as I am?!