
Mommy Confessions

It’s been awhile since I posted a confession. As I get older my “I don’t give a shit” attitude has grown & I find myself not needing to “confess” as much because, well…I just don’t give a shit. I don’t feel as guilty about certain things as I once did. Like sneaking my kids fruit snacks & juice boxes when they weren’t looking…yea, I don’t give a shit anymore, I’m not ashamed. Or the time I let my kids eat ice cream for dinner because I didn’t feel like cooking…that was once a secret confession of mine that I felt bad about. Not so much anymore. I’ve probably done that like 3 times now. #NoShame

But here’s a new one for you & I gotta be honest, I’m really not all that bothered by it. 

Occasionally I let my preschooler skip school purely because I don’t feel like having to get 2 kids ready in the morning. I don’t feel like making 2 lunches. And I definitely don’t feel like dealing with 2 separate drop offs. Now again, it’s preschool so it doesn’t count against her when she misses school. But they both always want 2 entirely different lunches & the morning routine is just exhausting when battling both of them to get ready, but more importantly they go to 2 different schools…which means TWO drop off processes every single morning. My first grader isn’t so bad, I just drive through the car loop & she hops out. But the preschool requires me to park & walk her to her class. It’s winter! It’s cold & miserable out. Some days I just don’t feel like standing in the freezing rain waiting for the classrooms to open (yes, we have to wait outside & 90% of the time the teacher is late). So for these reasons, plus my occasional laziness, I let her stay home & we enjoy a day of snuggling. 

So there you have it. Some times I’m lazy. Now you know. 




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